Hungry Zombies

 Have you played the game plants vs. zombies? 

In this game, zombies are known to be hungry for brains. Like these zombies, we should also be hungry, not for literally brains, but for knowledge.


But how do we relate the pursuit of knowledge to management and our organizations?

According to Reynolds (2010), knowledge management (KM) is a practice concerned with increasing awareness, fostering learning, speeding collaboration and innovation, and exchanging insights. In short, knowledge management has a vital role in running any organization. Data, information is essential in any organization, but the absence of using the right resources, process, and experience deems any of those useless. In the field of public governance, many tools, instructions, and processes are made not only by one person nor made instantly. A change in a process formulated by those in higher positions/experts are not easily modified. It requires tedious procedures, meetings, and deliberation. This is the reason why most government transactions take years to be revised based on current circumstances.  

"Knowledge is power but knowledge sharing is empowerment."

Knowledge is meant to be shared. No man is an island. Gatekeeping knowledge that you have acquired over the years does not and will not make you a better person. We should always take note that for any situation in our lives, we would need the help of someone else. Giving the opportunity for others to gain the knowledge that you have acquired based on your experiences will make all our lives better than it is yesterday. 


Plants VS Zombies 2: The Zombies Ate Your Brains! (2019, June 10). Retrieved from Youtube:

Reynolds, G. W. (2010). Information Technology for Managers. Boston: Course Technology, Cengage Learning.
